perm filename GEM[0,BGB]4 blob sn#081308 filedate 1974-01-11 generic text, type C, neo UTF8
C00001 00001
C00002 00002	3.0	Geometric Modeling Theory.
C00004 00003	3.1	Modeling Design Goals.
C00008 00004	3.X	Light Scattering Model
C00010 00005	3.2	Kinds of Geometric Models.
C00012 00006	3.X	Camera Model.
C00025 00007	3.X	Polyhedron Modeling.
C00027 00008	3.X	The Vertex.
C00031 00009	3.X	The Edge.
C00034 00010	3.X	The Face.
C00037 00011	3.X	Three kinds of perimeters.
C00043 00012	3.X	Accessing.
C00047 ENDMK
3.0	Geometric Modeling Theory.

3.0	Introduction.

	Geometric   modeling   literally   means   representing   the
measurement  of  the earth.    In the  specific  context  of computer
graphics,    geometric  modeling  refers  to  constructing   computer
representations of physical objects,   cameras,  images and light for
the sake  of numerically simulating their behavior in space and time.
Ignoring subtleties, geometric  world modeling is distinguished  from
semantic  and  logical  modeling  in  that  it  is  quantitative  and
numerical rather than  qualitative and  symbolic. Practical  modeling
issues involve  which  aspects of  the world  are significant;  which
programming technologies should  be used; and what are the trade offs
between storing the model and recomputing the model.
3.1	Modeling Design Goals.

	The main requirement of a geometric model for computer vision
is that it be able to represent the visual appearance of the 
mundane physical world.

The visual appearance of the world on a human scale,
indeed our very notion of concrete reality,
is dominated by objects that are solid and opaque.

Geometrically, a solid opaque object can be
enveloped by a continuous unbroken non-intersecting
two dimensional surface, such surfaces or manifolds
have an unabiguous inside and an outside.

Solid objects can be moved about in space however
two solid objects can not occupy the same space at the same time.

1. Representation of manifolds.
2. Detection and Prevention of Manifold Intersection.
3. Manifold Photometric models.

inertia, continuity,
collision, friction, gravity,

Translucent and 
water, cloth, glass and smog 

geometric, topological, photometric and structural data 

3.X	Light Scattering Model

	The light scattering  properties of ordinary surfaces  can be
modeled by thinking  of the surface as composed of zillions of little
differential mirrors.
The orientation of each mirror is  described by
two angles,  its tilt from the  normal vector of the  surface and its
pan  about the  normal vector with  respect to  a specified reference
vector in the tangent plane  of the surface. For a fully  mirror like
surface all  the differential mirrors have  a zero pan  and tilt; for
isotropic conventional surfaces the  the statistical distribution  of
pan orientations is flat and the distribution of tilt orientations is
a blip function;  and for perfect isotropic Lambert surfaces both the
pan and tilt distributions are flat.
3.2	Kinds of Geometric Models.

| Five kinds of geometric models:			|
|							|
|	1. 3-D Space Array.				|
|	2. 2-D Surface Function Z=F(x,y).		|
|	3. Manifolds.					|
|	4. Polyhedral: Body, Face, Edge, Vertex.	|
|	5. Skeltal models.				|
|	6. Cross Section.				|
|	7. Cellular.					|

3.X	Camera Model.

	The  particular  camera  model  I have  been  using,    is
expressed by eighteen real numbers involving nine degrees of freedom.
First there is the camera lens center locus:

		CX, CY, CZ,	in world coordinates.

Afixed to the lens center is the camera frame of reference with  unit
vectors  i, j and k. When the image formed by the camera is placed in
correspondence to a display screen, as illustrated in figure 1.3, the
unit  vector  i  maps  into  the  rightward positive x of the display
screen, and the unit vector j maps into the upward positive y of  the
display screen, and the unit vector k comes out of the display screen
to form a right handed coordinate system.  Together  the  three  unit
vectors of the camera are the three by three rotation matrix:

		IX, IY, IZ
		JX, JY, JZ	in world coordinates.
		KX, KY, KZ

Next,  there  are  three  scales  which  determine the correspondence
between world size and image size. Observe that the world is measured
in physical units of length like meters or feet while computer images
come in integral sizes like 1024 by 1024 or 480 rows by 512  columns,
thus  the  conversion  scales must be in terms of logical image units
per physical world units.   In an actual television camera  a  minute
image  (say  9mm  by 12mm) is formed on a vidicon tube and that image
has a particular number of rows and columns. It is the  little  image
on the vidicon that we pretend to model by the six parameters:

		LDX, LDY, LDZ		Logical raster size.
		PDX, PDY, FOCAL		Physical raster size.

Where the number named FOCAL, is the focal plane  distance  which  in
this model (with distant objects) can safely be equated with the lens
focal length and can be given in millimeters (conventional  lens  run
12.5mm  to  75mm for 1" TV).   The integer LDZ is an artifact so that
the units come out correctly in the  Z  dimension.  Thus  the  scales
factors are defined:


	This  simple  camera  model  is  used to compute vertex image
3.X	Polyhedron Modeling.

	In  elementary  geometry,  a polyhedron is said to be a solid
formed (or bounded) by plane faces; the word  "polyhedron"  literally
meaning  "many-faced".      Topologically,  simple  polyhedra satisfy
Euler's F-E+V=2 equation; where F, E and V are the number  of  faces,
edges  and vertices of the polyhedron respectively. This equation was
known to Descartes in 1640, but the first proof  wasn't  given  until
1752,  when  Euler  proved  the  relation  by  considering  the graph
corresponding to the edges of polyhedra.  A simple polyhedron is  one
homeomorphic to a sphere.


	1. Satisfies Eulers Equation F-E+V=2*B-2*H
	2. All vertives and faces have three or more edges.
	3. No two vertices are coincidant.
	4. No edge intersects a face or vertex
	   to which it doesn't belong.
3.X	The Vertex.

	A  vertex  is  a labeled point in a Euclidean three
space.   The important thing about a vertex is its world locus  (with
component names XWC,YWC,ZWC standing for world-coordinates).   Vertex
locii are the basic geometric data  from which length, area,  volume,
face  vectors  and image positions can be computed.

 Also a Vertex may
exist simultaneously in one or more  image  spaces.  An  image  space
(with component names XPP,YPP,ZPP standing for perspective-projected)
is always three dimensional and is determined with respect to a given
camera  centered  coordinate system (with component names XCC,YCC,ZCC
standing for camera-coordinates).    The third image component,  ZPP,
is  taken  inversely  proportional to the distance of the vertex from
the camera image  plane,  ZCC.  Using  the  camera  of  the  previous
section.  The  transformation  of  a  vertex  world locus to a camera
centered locus is:

			X ← XWC - CX;
			Y ← YWC - CY;
			Z ← ZWC - CZ;

			XCC ← IX*X + IY*Y + IZ*Z;
			YCC ← JX*X + JY*Y + JZ*Z;
			ZCC ← KX*X + KY*Y + KZ*Z;

	The first three assignment statements are the translation  to
the  camera  frame's origin,  the  second  three  assignments are the
rotation to the camera frame's orientation.    Next  the  perspective
projection transformation is computed:

			ZPP ←  SCALEZ    /ZCC;

	The XPP and YPP assignments are derived by means  of  similar
triangles,  as  is  being  done  by  the  man  in figure 1.5; the Zpp
assignment  is  for  preserving  the  depth   information   and   the
colinearity of the world in the perspective projected image space. As
given, the PP frame is right handed and  vertices  in  front  of  the
camera's  image  plane will have negative Zpp; Zpp values near -FOCAL
are close to the camera and values approaching zero are far away.

	A final matter with respect to vertices is their valence. The
valence of a vertex is the number of edges that meet at the vertex. A
vertex valence of three, for example, indicates a trihedral corner.
3.X	The Edge.

	For  a  start, the structure of an edge need be thought of as
little more than two vertices; the topological subtlety of edges will
be  explained  later.  However,  two vertices do define the important
geometric edge data called the line coefficients.  Named  AA,  BB,
CC; these coefficients are computed from the perspective locus of the
edge's endpoints as follows:

                        AA ← Y1 - Y2;
                        BB ← X2 - X1;
                        CC ← X1*Y2 - X2*Y1;

These coefficients appear  in  the  2D  equation  of  the  line  that
contains the edge:
			0 = AA*X + BB*Y + CC;

When the edge coefficients are normalized:

			L   ← SQRT(AA↑2+BB↑2);
			AA  ← AA/L;
			BB  ← BB/L;
			CC  ← CC/L;

the line equation gives the distance, of a point X,Y from the line:

			Q ← AA*X + BB*Y + CC;

The distance is actually ABS(Q), since Q is negative on one side side
of  the  line;  also if one were standing on the plane at point X1,Y1
facing X2,Y2 the Q positive half-plane would be on your left and  the
Q negative half plane would be on your right.

	An  important  operation on two edges is to detect whether or
not they intersect; this can be decided by checking first whether the
endpoints  of  one  edge are in the opposite half planes of the other
edge, and second whether the endpoints of the latter edge are in  the
opposite half planes of the first.  When both conditions obtain, then
the intersection point can be found:

			T ← (A1*B2 - A2*B1);
			X ← (B1*C2 - B2*C1)/T;
			Y ← (A2*C1 - A1*C2)/T;

An  actual  compare  for  intersection should initially check for the
identity case, and for edges with a vertex in common.
3.X	The Face.

	A face is a finite  region  of  plane  enclosed  by  straight
lines.   A  safe  formal  face structure could be built by defining a
triangle as three non-colinear vertices and then insisting  that  all
faces  be  triangle  interiors.   Unhappily,  BFEV  faces are usually
represented as a list of vertices and edges (or by  something  nearly
equivalent)  for  the sake of saving memory space.  Such `list' faces
are not monolithic but tend to suffer special cases  and  pathologies
such as:
		Coincident or crossing edges,
		Holes and Disjointness,
		Concavity (& Convexity),

Like edges, faces have characteristic coefficients. Face coefficients
satisfy the equation of a plane in which the face is embedded:

	AA*X + BB*Y + CC*ZZ = KK.

The equation could be divided by KK, but that is undesirable  because
the AA, BB, CC are more useful as a unit normal vector, in which case
KK is the distance of the origin from the plane.  Given the locii  of
three  non-colinear  vertices, the  coefficients  of  a  plane can be
computed by Kramer's rule as follows:

	KK    ←   X1*(Z2*Y3-Y2*Z3) 
		+ Y1*(X2*Z3-Z2*X3) 
		+ Z1*(Y2*X3-X2*Y3);
	AA    ← (Z1*(Y2-Y3) + Z2*(Y3-Y1) + Z3*(Y1-Y2));
	BB    ← (X1*(Z2-Z3) + X2*(Z3-Z1) + X3*(Z1-Z2));
	CC    ← (X1*(Y3-Y2) + X2*(Y1-Y3) + X3*(Y2-Y1));

and normalized:

	ABC ← SQRT(AA↑2 + BB↑2 + CC↑2);
	AA  ← AA/ABC;
	BB  ← BB/ABC;
	CC  ← CC/ABC;
	KK  ← KK/ABC;
If  the  given  vertices  V1,  V2,  V3  had  been taken going counter
clockwise about the face as viewed from the exterior  of  the  solid,
then the following relations obtain:

	AA*X + BB*Y + CC*Z > KK implies X,Y,Z above the plane.
	AA*X + BB*Y + CC*Z = KK implies X,Y,Z in the plane.
	AA*X + BB*Y + CC*Z < KK implies X,Y,Z below the plane.

Face coefficients prove useful in both world and image coordinates.
3.X	Three kinds of perimeters.

FACE PERIMETER - a face is surrounded by edges and vertices.

		       / \
                      /   \
                     /     \
                    /       \
             EDGE  /         \  EDGE
                  /           \
                 /    FACE     \
                /               \
               /                 \
              /                   \
      VERTEX ⊗---------------------⊗ VERTEX

VERTEX PERIMETER - a vertex is surrounded by edges and faces.

	      FACE	|      FACE
	               / \
	              /   \
	             /     \
	            /       \
		   /  FACE   \
	       EDGE    	      EDGE

EDGE PERIMETER - an edge is surrounded by 2 faces & 2 vertices.


3.X	Accessing.

	A   BFEV  model  has  four  kinds  of  accessing.   The  most
conventional BFEV access is retrieval by symbolic name which requires
a  symbol  table. Next, between bodies there is Parts-Tree accessing.
At the top of the Parts-Tree is a special body  named  the  world  to
which  all  the other bodies are attached; thus the world body serves
as an OBLIST node. Given a particular body, a list of  its  sub-parts
can  be  retrieved as well as its supra-part or "supart". A supart is
the whole entity to which a part belongs, the  world  being  its  own

	Within  each  body  there is face, edge and vertex sequential
accessing. Given a body, all its faces, or edges, or vertices need to
be  readily available since perspective projection loops thru all the
vertices, and the process of display  clipping  loops  thru  all  the
edges,  and  the act of checking for body intersection loops thru all
the faces.

	Finally,  among the faces, edges and vertices of a body there
is perimeter accessing. Faces have a perimeter of edges and  vertices
[figure  1.6]; less commonly used, vertices have a perimeter of edges
and faces  [figure  1.7];  and  of  particular  note,  edges  have  a
perimeter  always formed by two faces and two vertices, [figure 1.8].
Perimeter accessing requires that given a face, edge or vertex,  that
the perimeter of that entity be readily accessible. Since the surface
of a polyhedron is orientable, that is has a well defined inside  and
outside,  (Klein  bottles  with their crosscaps will not be modeled),
such perimeter lists can be ordered (say clockwise) with  respect  to
the  exterior  of the polyhedron. Perimeter accessing is mentioned in
Guzman and Falk  and  is  the  underlying
basis  of  part-II  of  this  paper which presents a polyhedron model
built for accessing and altering face, edge and vertex perimeters.